Q1. A ship whose hull length is 100 m is to travel at 10 m/se For dynamic similarity, at what velocity should a 1:25 model be towed through water ?
(A) 20 m/sec
(B) 25 m/sec
(C) 2 m/sec
(D) 50 m/sec

Q2. Ratio of inertia force to elastic force is known as
(A) Mach number
(B) Froude number
(C) Reynold’s number
(D) Weber’s number

Q3. For a floating body to be in stable equilibrium, its metacentre should be
(A) below the center of gravity
(B) below the center of buoyancy
(C) above the center of buoyancy
(D) above the center of gravity

Q4. For a floating body to be in equilibrium
(A) meta centre should be above g.
(B) centre of buoyancy and g. must lie on same vertical plane
(C) a righting couple should be formed
(D) All of these

Q5. The two important forces for a floating body are
(A) buoyancy, gravity
(B) buoyancy, pressure
(C) buoyancy, inertial
(D) inertial, gravity

Q6. Center of pressure on an inclined plane is
(A) at the centroid
(B) above the centroid
(C) below the centroid
(D) at metacentre

Q7. An open vessel of water is accelerated up an inclined plan The free water surface will
(A) be horizontal
(B) make an angle in direction of inclination of inclined plane
(C) make an angle in opposite direction to inclination of inclined plane
(D) any one of above is possible

Q8. The line of action of the buoyant force acts through the centroid of the
(A) submerged body
(B) volume of the floating body
(C) volume of the fluid vertically above the body
(D) displaced volume of the fluid

Q9. Resultant pressure of the liquid in the case of an immersed body acts through
(A) centre of gravity
(B) centre of pressure
(C) metacentre
(D) centre of buoyancy

Q10. The centre of gravity of the volume of the liquid displaced by an immersed body is called
(A) centre of gravity
(B) centre of pressure
(C) metacentre
(D) centre of buoyancy

Q11. Differential monometer is used to measure
(A) pressure in pipes, channels et
(B) atmospheric pressure
(C) very low pressure
(D) difference of pressure between two points

Q12. The time oscillation of a floating body with increase in metacentric height will be
(A) same
(B) higher
(C) lower
(D) lower/higher depending on weight of body

Q13. In an immersed body, centre of pressure is
(A) at the centre of gravity
(B) above the centre of gravity
(C) below be centre of gravity
(D) could be above or below g. depend¬ing on density of body and liquid

Q14. The normal stress is same in all directions at a point in a fluid
(A) only when the fluid is frictionless
(B) only when the fluid is incompressible and has zero viscosity
(C) when there is no motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer
(D) irrespective of the motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer

Q15. Select the correct statement
(A) Local atmospheric pressure depends upon elevation of locality only
(B) Standard atmospheric pressure is the mean local atmospheric pressure at sea level
(C) Local atmospheric pressure is always below standard atmospheric pressure
(D) A barometer reads the difference be-tween local and standard atmospheric pressure

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