LPC176x/5x Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

 In this tutorial, we are going to cover about ADC programming and how to configure the ADC registers with the help of an example. For this tutorial we are taking LPC1769 as reference and with the use of CMSIS library. As the name suggests, ADC is used to convert a given analog signal to digital form. In ARM controller Successive approximation type ADC is used for conversion purpose. There are many applications for ADC like Sensor Interfacing, Voltage and current measurement, conversion of an audio input to its digital form, etc.

Basic configuration

 The ADC is configured using the following registers:
1. Power: In the PCONP register, set the PCADC bit. Remark: On reset, the ADC is disabled. To enable the ADC, first set the PCADC bit(A/D converter (ADC) power/clock control bit), and then enable the ADC in the AD0CR(A/D Control Register) register. To disable the ADC, first clear the PDN bit, and then clear the PCADC bit.
2. Clock: In the PCLKSEL0 register, select PCLK_ADC.
3. Pins: Enable ADC0 pins through PINSEL registers. Select the pin modes for the port pins with ADC0 functions through the PINMODE registers.
4. Interrupts: Interrupts are enabled in the NVIC using the appropriate Interrupt Set Enable register. Disable the ADC interrupt in the NVIC using the appropriate Interrupt Set Enable register.

ADC programming example.
Name : adc.h
Author : $(author)
Version :
Copyright : $(copyright)
Description : main definition

#ifndef ADC_H_
#define ADC_H_

/* If Burst mode is enabled, make sure interrupt flag is set. */
#define ADC_INTERRUPT_FLAG 0 /* 1 is interrupt driven, 0 is polling */
#define BURST_MODE 0 /* Burst mode works in interrupt driven mode only. */

#define ADC_OFFSET 0x10
#define ADC_INDEX 4

#define ADC_DONE 0x80000000
#define ADC_OVERRUN 0x40000000
#define ADC_ADINT 0x00010000
#define ADC_NUM 8 /* for LPCxxxx */
#define ADC_CLK 1000000 /* set to 1Mhz */

extern uint32_t ADCInit( uint32_t ADC_Clk );
extern uint32_t ADC0Read( uint8_t channelNum );
extern void ADCBurstRead( void );

#endif /* ADC_H_ */
Name : adc.c
Author : $(author)
Version :
Copyright : $(copyright)
Description : main definition

#include "lpc17xx.h"
//#include "type.h"
#include "adc.h"

volatile uint32_t ADC0Value[ADC_NUM];
volatile uint32_t ADC2Value=0;
volatile uint32_t ADC0IntDone = 0;

volatile uint32_t channel_flag;

** Function name: ADC_IRQHandler
** Descriptions: ADC interrupt handler
** parameters: None
** Returned value: None
void ADC_IRQHandler (void)
uint32_t regVal;

regVal = LPC_ADC->ADSTAT; /* Read ADC will clear the interrupt */
if ( regVal & 0x0000FF00 ) /* check OVERRUN error first */
regVal = (regVal & 0x0000FF00) >> 0x08;
/* if overrun, just read ADDR to clear */
/* regVal variable has been reused. */
switch ( regVal )
case 0x01:
regVal = LPC_ADC->ADDR0;
case 0x02:
regVal = LPC_ADC->ADDR1;
case 0x04:
regVal = LPC_ADC->ADDR2;
case 0x08:
regVal = LPC_ADC->ADDR3;
case 0x10:
regVal = LPC_ADC->ADDR4;
case 0x20:
regVal = LPC_ADC->ADDR5;
case 0x40:
regVal = LPC_ADC->ADDR6;
case 0x80:
regVal = LPC_ADC->ADDR7;
LPC_ADC->ADCR &= 0xF8FFFFFF; /* stop ADC now */
ADC0IntDone = 1;

if ( regVal & ADC_ADINT )
switch ( regVal & 0xFF ) /* check DONE bit */
case 0x01:
ADC0Value[0] = ( LPC_ADC->ADDR0 >> 4 ) & 0xFFF;
case 0x02:
ADC0Value[1] = ( LPC_ADC->ADDR1 >> 4 ) & 0xFFF;
case 0x04:
ADC0Value[2] = ( LPC_ADC->ADDR2 >> 4 ) & 0xFFF;
case 0x08:
ADC0Value[3] = ( LPC_ADC->ADDR3 >> 4 ) & 0xFFF;
case 0x10:
ADC0Value[4] = ( LPC_ADC->ADDR4 >> 4 ) & 0xFFF;
case 0x20:
ADC0Value[5] = ( LPC_ADC->ADDR5 >> 4 ) & 0xFFF;
case 0x40:
ADC0Value[6] = ( LPC_ADC->ADDR6 >> 4 ) & 0xFFF;
case 0x80:
ADC0Value[7] = ( LPC_ADC->ADDR7 >> 4 ) & 0xFFF;
channel_flag |= (regVal & 0xFF);
if ( (channel_flag & 0xFF) == 0xFF )
/* All the bits in have been set, it indicates all the ADC channels have been converted. */
LPC_ADC->ADCR &= 0xF8FFFFFF; /* stop ADC now */
ADC0IntDone = 1;
LPC_ADC->ADCR &= 0xF8FFFFFF; /* stop ADC now */
ADC0IntDone = 1;

** Function name: ADCInit
** Descriptions: initialize ADC channel
** parameters: ADC clock rate
** Returned value: true or false
uint32_t ADCInit( uint32_t ADC_Clk )
uint32_t pclkdiv, pclk;

/* Enable CLOCK into ADC controller */
LPC_SC->PCONP |= (1 << 12);

/* all the related pins are set to ADC inputs, AD0.0~7 */
LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 &= ~0x000FC000; /* P0.23 A0.0, P0.24 A0.1, P0.25 A0.2 function 01 */
LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 |= 0x00054000;

LPC_PINCON->PINSEL3 |= 0xC0000000; // P1.31 A0.5 function 11

// LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 |= 0x00040000;

/* By default, the PCLKSELx value is zero, thus, the PCLK for all the peripherals is 1/4 of the SystemFrequency. */
/* Bit 6~7 is for UART0 */
pclkdiv = (LPC_SC->PCLKSEL0 >> 6) & 0x03;
switch ( pclkdiv )
case 0x00:
pclk = SystemCoreClock/4;
case 0x01:
pclk = SystemCoreClock;
case 0x02:
pclk = SystemCoreClock/2;
case 0x03:
pclk = SystemCoreClock/8;

LPC_ADC->ADCR = ( 0x01 << 0 ) | /* SEL=1,select channel 0 on ADC0 */
( ( pclk / ADC_Clk - 1 ) << 8 ) | /* CLKDIV = Fpclk / ADC_Clk - 1 */
( 0 << 16 ) | /* BURST = 0, no BURST, software controlled */
( 0 << 17 ) | /* CLKS = 0, 11 clocks/10 bits */
( 1 << 21 ) | /* PDN = 1, normal operation */
( 0 << 24 ) | /* START = 0 A/D conversion stops */
( 0 << 27 ); /* EDGE = 0 (CAP/MAT singal falling,trigger A/D conversion) */

/* If POLLING, no need to do the following */
LPC_ADC->ADINTEN = 0x1FF; /* Enable all interrupts */
return (1);

** Function name: ADC0Read
** Descriptions: Read ADC0 channel
** parameters: Channel number
** Returned value: Value read, if interrupt driven, return channel #
uint32_t ADC0Read( uint8_t channelNum )
uint32_t regVal, ADC_Data;

/* channel number is 0 through 7 */
if ( channelNum >= ADC_NUM )
channelNum = 0; /* reset channel number to 0 */
LPC_ADC->ADCR |= (1 << 24) | (1 << channelNum);
/* switch channel,start A/D convert */
while ( 1 ) /* wait until end of A/D convert */
= *(volatile unsigned long *)(LPC_ADC_BASE + ADC_OFFSET + ADC_INDEX * channelNum);
/* read result of A/D conversion */
if ( regVal & ADC_DONE )

LPC_ADC->ADCR &= 0xF8FFFFFF; /* stop ADC now */
if ( regVal & ADC_OVERRUN ) /* save data when it's not overrun, otherwise, return zero */
return ( 0 );
ADC_Data = ( regVal >> 4 ) & 0xFFF;
return ( ADC_Data ); /* return A/D conversion value */
return ( channelNum ); /* if it's interrupt driven, the ADC reading is
done inside the handler. so, return channel number */

** Function name: ADC0BurstRead
** Descriptions: Use burst mode to convert multiple channels once.
** parameters: None
** Returned value: None
void ADCBurstRead( void )
if ( LPC_ADC->ADCR & (0x7<<24) )
LPC_ADC->ADCR &= ~(0x7<<24);
/* Test channel 5,6,7 using burst mode because they are not shared with the JTAG pins. */
/* Read all channels, 0 through 7. */
LPC_ADC->ADCR |= (0xFF);
LPC_ADC->ADCR |= (0x1<<16); /* Set burst mode and start A/D convert */
return; /* the ADC reading is done inside the handler, return 0. */
** End Of File

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